I woke up and felt my stale dry throat. I briskly walked to the tap and turned it on. A few seconds pass, not a single drop of water! I realised this might be a water drought, I felt a surge of anger. I put on my clothes and brushed my teeth with toothpaste only. I rushed to the market just to see everything empty. I entered the fruit section, the drink section and especially the water section, everything was deserted! I went on to the next store and saw the very same thing, so I decided to buy some dry food.

I started to feel weak and decided to go home. For breakfast I had some bread with some of the remaining milk from the previous day. Instead of wasting my precious time, I decided to catch on with some important work. A Few hours passed and I decided to take a break, as I walked downstairs I read the news on my phone. I saw many people dying and catching diseases and dying due to the lack of hygiene and water. I ate some cashew nuts, bread, dried fruits and milk for lunch. In the afternoon I decided to take a nap. The nap made my thirst even worse. I was begging for water, I no longer had my milk. Now I understand why we need water.

My face felt dry, and my eyes were as dry as ever. A few waterless hours passed, and I realised why I should pay more attention to water. After a bland and tasteless dinner of bread, I wrote my writing assignment. By coincidence the topic of the story was about “A day without water”. Since I experienced it already, the ideas came to me easily. As I went to sleep hoping there would be water available tomorrow, I wished that I would receive a great grade on this assignment.